Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Lab 10

Lab 10
Digital Design

                      As you see here above this are screenshots of lab 10. What i did in lab 10 is use rollover in the 2 images you see above.And the images are clickable to. The clickable images will lead you to my blogger page.How i got to the final product was taking two different pictures and inserting it as rollover image. The application this was used was in  Adobe Dreamwaver CS5. This application is easier then to write the codes.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Project 2

Well as you see above this is my project 2. You can see my home page ,bio and process. How i started off doing this project is drawing a cartoon character that represented me. In case it is baby taz. Once i was done i scan it and used the application Photoshop. In the application i colored it and made the backgrounds. Another application i used was Fireworks. In fireworks what i did was export the png file in firework and worked on it. What i did in fireworks was make the button click able. This is the basic information of the creation of this project. Looking at the project it may seem easy but its not. you need to put a lot effort to make it happen. In photoshop the tools i used in coloring the selected area was the polygonal lasso tool. This was used to select part of the image and color it in. This tool i used it in 3 scanned pictures. Once i was done i cut it out and put it in the background.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Sandy Aftermath

                   Many storms have come and gone leaving a lot of damage within everyone and the things around us. As you see in the pictures above and below many people were affected.Many homes were damaged but they could be replaced. But many innocent people died and a life is a life that can not be replaced. Nothing happened where i lived and i wasn't expecting not to happen.This storm got everyone by surprise that left people without water,food and their loved ones. Many of the people that survived sandy took it as a big shock. 
Many of the areas that were known as beautiful cities are under water. One of the beautiful cities is Atlantic city which is now under water. Many families are now with nothing and they need our help now. If i was in their shoes i would like all the possible help i could get.Like water,food and a home stay in. Sandy aftermath took everyone by surprise many stores were damaged. As you see in the pic above many stores in new york city the food got contaminated that they were left to the garbage. The picture below is sandy aftermath. Sandy didn't just cause floods but houses to burning and not just one house but many.Next time I'll know not to under estimate a storm like SANDY.
Looking at the news many damage was caused like people not being able to go to work. Most of the bridges were closed and trains were shut off. To get anywhere in car gas was needed and everyone was in  need for gas. Big lines were for gas stations. To go anywhere you had to have more then three passengers and if not you would get a ticket. Sandy brought many emotions like happy there was no school, mad that jobs were canceled,sad their homes were gone.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Parts of Year Book

           To the making of a year book there are many parts that have to be done  to make a page in the year book.Many of those parts are known as the Body copy, Eyeline, Theme, Caption, Page Number and many more. What makes a Body Copy an important contribute to the year book is wanting readers to be interested in what their looking at. For example in an magazine it will be an example of a product and the conversion of how the products. Another part of the year book is the captions that are found under the picture taken. What a caption is a brief sentence or two on what the picture is representing. Captions are written based on the 5W's. The them is an another part what the theme  is an idea that ties all the pages together. A double page is a when two pages face together. A page number can sound as it not being important but it is what a page number identifies is the page what number it is.The picture underneath is a picture of a year book. Their are many parts in a yearbook like pictures .The cover is also important representing the whole school year.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

As you see my lab above it represents showing an animation  going straight across. In this lab what i used was the foot prints of a dog going across. The elements i used was the darkness of the foot print. As you see the animation the first two foot prints use the time of 5 seconds. And as it moves on you see the difference of color the foot print lightens up and it goes back to its color. These are the elements that i used in this lab.