Thursday, March 21, 2013

QCC Trip

        What took place yesterday on March 20, 2013 was we went on a trip to QCC. Well on the campus there was a lot to see such as their lab rooms, their work and much more. Compared to high school college is different like their way of studying. Why it was important to visit QCC was to get to know our  options in to choosing a college. What also made it important was the things that were shown to us and the programs that QCC provided. Such as the mechanical program, robotics and much more. Along the tour we meet professors of that college and what they taught and what was taught to the students that went there.From observing what i learn in the robotics room was it isn't just building a robot but the networking to it.
    Prior to this trip this is the first college i have visited. And hope that i keep seeing colleges so i can get to know my options. The college campus i plan to keep on seeing is a least 5 or more. What i expected     to see on the trip meet my expectations. To look at the rooms, meet the professors and look at students work. What i like to see on the next college fair is more information about that college and more info on the programs given in that college.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Adobe Flash learnings

            What i learned using adobe flash and creating an animation is it takes time and patience. Throughout my animation many of the tools i used was inserting key frames and etc. What i also learned was the use of symbols and how it is important element in creating an animation. Another thing i learned was to creating an animation you could use motion tween, classic tween and much more. Some of the things i learned was used in my animation. What i learned was to make the animation slower like a text easy to read you have add frames so the client could be able to read.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Why is it important to have a CTE Expo?

      Well  a CTE Expo is an exposition that is taken place to represent the work done to others. A CTE Expo was taken place in information technology high school between the whole school. Four technology programs showed off their work to 9th graders to show what is done within the programs. The four technology programs are web design,video production,cisco and apple.
       What i felt towards the CTE Expo was it was an great experience to show our work to the 9th graders and helping them to decide what program they fit best in. Every program demonstrated a little of what done in it. Like web design we represented a portfolio and our labs within. Yea somewhat the event did meet my expectations cause we were all dressed in business attire. We looked like we were representing a company. But could have been better if the 9th graders would have been more interacted in what was being shown ed. What made it good was teachers,the principal and many others came to see our work and gave some good feedback's. But some feedback's weren't as good you say.What ill do the next time is not be shy and speak up and show my work to the whole school if possible and talk to them in detail of what i did. What i would like to see in the Expo next time around is refreshments cause towards the end of the day all of were tired. The expo couldn't have been better.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Spring Semester 2013

Goal: To have  a good understanding of the softwares

Specific: I know what i want to do in the class Digital Design

Measurable: I will know if when doing a project or either lab i understand what im doing and my         grades are going up 

Attainable: I know if i can pay attention and follow directions.

Realistic: I know its hard to understand how to use different softwares and its tools

Timely: I know i need to stop being absent,be organized and pay attention.