Thursday, December 15, 2011

What was the goal of the poster? 
     What I found the goal to all of these 5 posters is to sell the products to the people who are interesting in buying. For example like the poster that is representing sports. The poster by Mathew and Mohamed represent a store selling sport goods and people who want to buy.

What design concepts an principal are incorporated?
       What i have observed and the design Incorporated is a 3D design. By it representing a company the advertisements gets to the readers wanting to know what it is.

     Is their a clean message?
 Most of the posters have a clean message. The posters that have a clean message is the sports ad's. The reason why is because the present pictures about a sport like basketball and football.
 What would you suggest to improve this poster? 
        What i would suggest is to place a logo getting to readers. What i mean is a poster is given so the people can read for seconds. If the logo doesn't catch the readers attention they would rather read it. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Coco Cola

The layout of this advertisement is arranged in no symmetrically way. In this advertisement what you see is the tone of color in the ad. In this ad you see the change in color of the words and graphic elements. What i mean is the words. For example you taste its quality  is different tone then coco cola. The person who designed this advertisement used his white space by the advertisement. This ad doesn't have a lot of words or graphics or less. He used the white space by placing the women drinking coco cola in the middle.
Colors and Graphics
In this ad the use of color and shade was used. All the colors work together with the ad. Since the ad is representing coco cola some words had to be bright red. There was no high contrast between text land    background. Yes the shade of color add the purpose to this advertisement. The message the tone colors are showing us readers is our reason to buy coco cola and to try it's quality. During this advertisement people are used and that person would be a women drinking a coco cola. This background doesn't take place anywhere but i would say getting a drink from a hard day. This advertisement is telling us to try one and you judge by the outside but what's inside.
Throughout this advertisement there was a lot of typography used. For example the first font would be the words going threw her lips. I would describe this font being bold words size 20 or smaller. Underneath the coco cola the font used would be Times Roman. Yes this picture it shows emphasize in the words and how it displayed the tone of color and the shade. In this ad you see the type of formatting displayed.
How i describe the feeling of this ad is the taste of the coco cola . How i would describe it is friendly ad getting at the readers. This is the ad for all kinds of people who want give coco cola a try. In this ad their is an emphasis it's between the women and the coco cola she's drinking. What i mean is the women drinking it is blurred out but not that much. The coco cola it's self and the coco cola sign out stand from the picture by it's bright colors and the bright red it shows and the dark brown.


Friday, December 2, 2011

 What the video was about how a 12 year old  creates the app by his parents help.How the video relates to me and to the class is how a 12 yr old can achieve and so can we. This is how the video relates to me. What a good reflection of self discipline would be the boy. Why i say this is because he has overcome he challenge into putting his app in the iPhone and many technology out there. I think what the boy did is he Passion for computers why i say this is because anyone can do it but after a while will get tried. By this boy liking computers he made a app that is now in the Apple store. What makes it easy this class is we learn by visual. This is what i think that by seeing Mrs. Ramirez demonstrating it .

Friday, November 4, 2011

Marlene Logo

What my logo is representing is an ice cream shop. How i improved my logo is adding more color to it. The elements i used was color, how i used color was using different colors so my logo can outside other logo out their. Color plays an important element in my logo because it didn't have enough color. This is the element i used. I also used emphasis how i used in this picture is in the words. How it represent in the words is how i used rare colors. By seeing the rare colors you'll want to read the logo and find out what it is.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

lab5 printing marks

The difference between all of these printing marks is what they could do to a picture. For example like center crop marks what the definition is when lines around the picture are bring trimmed. What corner crop  marks mean is it outlines where the page is suppose to be trimmed where the star targets.. What calibration bar is when  there is a separation of colors. Registration Marks is when it marks on the image separating the aligning color. Description is an option when pressed in the text entered dialog box. What a label is when it prints the image.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Lab 3

What  I had  observed from the picture is that this picture has emphasis. The emphasis it has is when you look at city you see the city. The background of the photo is blurred out like the ocean and  the sky. What this picture also includes is arrangement. The arrangement it has is they could have taken this picture from and higher point of view. The view this picture has is landscape view of the city. What makes it a tone is the color the sky providing like a purple color. And the city which gave bright lights.